Building Nikolakloster, NK
Innstraße 40
94032 Passau
Phone +49851/509-1611
Opening hours / Show free seats in the reading rooms
Map of all reading rooms
Floor plans: basement entrance level upstairs
Floor plan compact
General and Comparative Literary Studies (60/EA,EC), Textbook Collection (17/E,G,H,I), Reserve Collection, journals and periodicals for the current year (bound annual volumes are located in the relevant book section)
English and American Studies, (65/HD-HU), Romance Studies (66/IB-IX), large-format books (13/G,I)
General and Comparative Linguistics (61/EE-EU), German Studies (GA-GO);
Law (JUR Library reading room holdings): Criminal Law (31/PH), General Theory of the State (31/PK), Constitutional Law (31/PL), Public Law journals (31/PM), Administrative Law (31/PN), Tax Law (31/PP), Social Law (31/PQ), Data Processing and Law (31/PZ); additional literature from the Law Library reading room holdings (shelf marks starting with 33/P), loose-leaf editions
For enquiries related to the library, literature search, book locations, borrowing rules, interlibrary loans or our electronic services, contact the Nikolakloster Library helpdesk.
There are 245 desk spaces in the reading room.
Eight reading desks in four lockable cubicles upstairs; these are available to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers upon registration.
The reading rooms and other freely accessible rooms (group study rooms, library lounge, learning room central library) are equipped with WLAN routers. For WLAN access, eduroam must be installed. The ZIM user name is required for login. Non-university members cannot use the university WLAN.
BayernWLAN - comes with free login - is accessible in all reading rooms. Be aware: you do not have acces to licensed e-ressources. Computer, internet, and wi-fi
There is at least one search station in every single reading room - without need to login.
Wi-Fi access is available in the Central Library and all other reading rooms.
Accessing the network with a mobile device
Access Problems: ask ZIM-Support
Printer-copiers are located on the ground floor
Scan_Box in the upstairs glass cubicle
There are 184 electronically operated daytime lockers. You need your CampusCard to use these. Like the coin-operated lockers, they are free to use. However, to discourage permanent use of these lockers, you will be charged a minimum of 5 euros if the locker is not emptied by the closing time of the relevant reading room.
How to use the lockers and locker regulations
Longer-term lockers for students writing their dissertation or thesis are available free of charge but in very limited supply. More Information.
You may not take any bags or rucksacks/backpacks, etc. into the reading room. What kinds of bags are permitted in the reading rooms?
Mobile phones must be set to 'silent mode' while in the library. You may not make phone calls or listen to voicemail messages. You are allowed to receive text messages, but only with the phone set to 'silent mode' (i.e. no acoustic notifications).
You may not consume food or beverages in the reading room. However, you are allowed to bring drinking water onto the premises in a transparent, sealable glass or plastic bottle.
If you wish to leave your desk and intend to return later on, you should set a break discs to indicate when you left. If you do not return within the next 60 minutes, or if you do not leave a break disc indicating when you left, other users have the right to use your desk space, see Desk reservation discs to prevent permanent desk occupancy
The relationship between users and the library is governed by the General Regulations on the Use of the Bavarian Public Libraries.