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Library Training in English

The University Library offers a comprehensive programme of guided tours and training courses to students, school pupils and the general public.

For the benefit of our international students and academics, we offer guided tours as well as training seminars in English.

Please see below for our tours and courses held in English. Individual appointments are possible for groups of 5 people or more. Please send an e-mail to ubschulung@uni-passau.de.

The library offers an introduction in English under the heading 'Getting to know your Library'.

This includes:

  • a tour of the Central Library, acquainting the participants with the main service sections and concepts:
    Check-out and returns desk, collection area, reading room, Library Lounge and the Book Tower.
  • an introduction to book locations and shelf marks; borrowing terms; the Passau Search Portal and user account.

Duration: approx. 30 minutes

During orientation weeks ("O-Woche") we offer the event "Einführungsveranstaltung für ausländische Studierende auf Englisch – The Basics Of Literature And Information Retrieval In English (online)". In this event you will be presented an introduction to literature and information retrieval in English.

The dates you can find here: www.uni-passau.de/orientierung/serviceangebote

This course will introduce participants to research strategies and library resources. You will learn how to use key online tools for finding various types of material for your paper or thesis.

Next class (summer semester 2024):

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Please register via Stud.IP (no. 64047 W)

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