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Fees and fines

Fees and charges

In principle, use of the library, the library card and borrowing are free of charge.

Costs are incurred:

Fees incurred for interlibrary loans and exceeding the locker usage times can be paid at the Central Library circulation desk using an EC card.

Overdue fines

  • Watch out for notifications from the library to your (university) e-mail address.
  • You can view the loan periods at any time via your library account.
  • Borrowed media can also be returned to the library by post.
  • Please also be aware of the possibility of cancellation a renewal - the library will request the return of a book before the end of the extended loan period if another user has reserved it.

If you exceed the loan period, the University Library will ask you to return the item and charge a fine. The reminder with the fee notice will be sent to the address given in the Campus Portal as the contact address.

Overdue fines

Stage Penalty
1st notice EUR 7.50 fine
2nd notice an additional EUR 10.00 fine on top of the previous one
3rd notice an additional EUR 29.40 fine on top of the previous ones

Please note that the fines indicated above are cumulative: the fines imposed with the second and third overdue notices have to be paid on top of all previous fines!

Did you receive a fine and need to ask us a question?

You can reach the Overdues department by phone at +49 851 509 ext. 1656 or 1620 (daytime only). Alternatively, you could use the overdues contact form (in German), which is available around the clock.

How to pay your fines

Please pay by bank transfer to:

Staatsoberkasse Landshut 
Bayerische Landesbank München 

IBAN: DE75 7005 0000 0001 1903 15 

Please indicate your name and your library number.

See also the following legal notices: General Regulations on the Use of Bavarian Public Libraries (ABOB) dated 18/08/1993 (BayGVBl 1993, pp. 635 ff), Kostengesetz (costs act) dated 20/02/1998 (BayGVBl 1998 pp. 43 ff) as amended and Kostenverzeichnis (schedule of costs) dated 18/07/1995 (BayGVBl 1995 p. 454), as amended.

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Overdues contact form

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