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External access to licensed e-media

The University of Passau offers its students and employees various ways of accessing licensed e-books, e-journals and databases from outside the university network.

Non-university members may use licensed e-media on site at the research stations in the reading rooms.

Log in on the UB homepage or here with your ZIM ID. All licenced e-media can then be accessed for the current browser session.

While you are logged in, the browser line contains the phrase "docweb.rz.uni-passau.de:2443" for visiting websites registered for this access via links. Leaving the EZ-Proxy-relevant area cancels the authentication; in this case, use the browser's "Back" button or log in again.

You can create a link with integrated EZ-Proxy login by prefixing "https://docweb.rz.uni-passau.de:2443/login?url=". If this is used from outside the university network, the user will be redirected to the link destination after prior login and authentication. If possible, use a stable target for this, such as a DOI or a permalink of the Passau search portal.

Example: https://docweb.rz.uni-passau.de:2443/login?url=https://doi.org/10.1515/transcript.9783839423387

The Shibboleth authentication service allows you to identify yourself as authorised to access licensed content on many platforms.

  • Search for terms such as "Log in", "Sign in", "Log in via Shibboleth" or "Institutional Login" on the provider website.
  • Select the University of Passau (or similar) from the list of institutions.
  • If you need to specify a "Region" or "Group", select "German Higher Education and Research (DFN-AAI)".
  • You will then be redirected to a login screen where you can log in with your ZIM account.

If you select "Stay logged in", the Shibboleth login is (normally) also valid across several platforms.

Further information on Shibboleth can be found on the ZIM website.

If you are using Citrix, you automatically have access to the electronic media licenced by the University of Passau.

Students of the University of Passau can use Beck-online and the Beck-eLibrary from off campus.  To do this, you need to set up a personal Beck-online account and equip your smartphone with an authentication app.

The home access can be set up by yourself: all information on setting up Beck home access (German).

Observe licence conditions

Please also observe the licence conditions and the applicable copyright law when accessing externally. The following applies to all offers:

Access is only permitted to employees and students of the University of Passau. Full texts and search results may only be printed out and saved for personal use and for teaching and research purposes. Systematic downloading of full texts or search results is prohibited. Please also note the information on the procedure for text and data mining. The dissemination to third parties is not permitted, neither electronically nor in printed form.

I agree that a connection to the Vimeo server will be established when the video is played and that personal data (e.g. your IP address) will be transmitted.
I agree that a connection to the YouTube server will be established when the video is played and that personal data (e.g. your IP address) will be transmitted.
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