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Recommendations on standardised listing of authors’ affiliations

Publications are of great importance within the academic landscape. In order to further enhance their visibility, it is imperative that the link between the published work, its authors and their affiliation be made very clear. Indeed, when listing your affiliation, it is expedient to use a standardised wording for both German- and English-language publications. In addition to increasing the public visibility of research output, standardisation improves the recognition of research achievements and is, therefore, in the authors' own interests.

These recommendations are intended for all academic and academic support staff, doctoral researchers and students as well as all researchers in fixed-term employment at the University of Passau, whose publications were created during a research stay at the University.

Recommendations on standardised listing of authors’ affiliations


Dr. Cornelia Bögel
Dr. Cornelia Bögel
Room ZB 222c
Innstraße 29
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1637
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