Logo of the University of Passau

User Services

Head of User Services

Michael Lemke
Central Library, Innstrasse 29, room 314, phone: +49 851 509 1600
E-Mail: Michael.Lemke@uni-passau.de

Utta Materny
Central Library, Innstrasse 29, room 113, phone: +49 851 509 1618
E-Mail: Utta.Materny@uni-passau.de

Information concerning your user account and borrowing:

Central Library check-out desk: Innstrasse 29, room 108, phone: +49 851 509 1628

Local lending

Martin Fernsebner
Central Library, Innstrasse 29, room 106, phone: +49 851 509 1621
E-Mail: Martin.Fernsebner@uni-passau.de

Birgit Scheidler
Central Library, Innstrasse 29, room 109, phone: +49 851 509 1656
E-Mail: Birgit.Scheidler@uni-passau.de

Overdue notices

Contact form overdue notices

Birgit Scheidler
Central Library, Innstrasse 29, room 109, phone: +49 851 509 1656
E-Mail: Birgit.Scheidler@uni-passau.de

Carola Resch-Wawra
Central Library, Innstrasse 29, room 109, phone: +49 851 509 1620
E-Mail: Carola.Resch@uni-passau.de

Central information desk

Angela Güntner
Central Library, Innstrasse 29, room 222b, phone: +49 851 509 1620
E-Mail: Angela.Guentner@uni-passau.de

Corinna Zeitler
Central Library, Innstraße 29, room 235, phone +49 851/509-4129
E-Mail: Corinna.Zeitler@uni-passau.de

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