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If an item you have borrowed has not been reserved by someone else, you may renew your loan in the Passau Search Portal under Account > User details.

The conditions for renewal are as follows:

  • You can only renew items marked as renewable in your library account.
  • You can renew your items starting five working days before the end of the loan period.
  • You must renew by the due date. If you fail to renew before the due date, you will have to pay a fine.
  • Depending on the item, the maximum number of renewals ranges from 2 to 5; once you have exhausted the maximum number of renewals, you will need to return the item. However, you can borrow the item again straight away if there is no reservation on it.
  • You cannot renew items that are reserved or that are in the overnight or weekend loan collection.
  • Renewals are always granted subject to recall. This means that the library can recall the item before the renewed loan period has lapsed. The written recall/cancellation of renewal notice is sent to you via E-Mail. Info to E-Mail notices from the library.
  • If one or more of your borrowed items has been recalled, you have to return it by the latest on the date indicated in the recall notice. You may send the item back per mail, but the sender (i.e. you) is liable for damage or loss.
  • Renewals should be made in the Passau Search Portal. If you do not have internet access (e.g. during semester break), you can call the check-out desk to have your items renewed. The telephone number is +49 851 509 1628.
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