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Passau Search Portal

Joint catalogue of Passau University Library (UB) and Passau State Library (SB, aka Bavarian Regional Library Passau) plus simultaneous search in the Union Catalogue of Bavaria & Berlin-Brandenburg and in the interdisciplinary article database Primo Central.

Passau Search Portal

Use this access link if your device is connected to the university network via LAN or Wi-Fi. Users from Passau and the surrounding districts can also use this access link.

Search portal with external access

Log in with your ZIM credentials and get access to resources licensed for the university network away from the campus.

Each search generates three results lists

Catalogue of UB/SB Passau
Search the joint catalogue of Passau University Library and Passau State Library

Union Catalogue of Bavaria & Berlin-Brandenburg
Request any literature you cannot find locally via interlibrary loan.

Articles & more
Literature references from the interdisciplinary article database Primo Central. Order copies via interlibrary loan.

More databases: Use our Database Information System to access licensed and freely accessible databases.

Electronic journals: Licensed and free e-journals can be accessed via our Electronic Journals Library.

Entering search parameters in the search screen
Would you like to fine-tune your search to retrieve only literature with certain characteristics? In the search screen, a number of options can be selected in the 'Document type' field, e.g. article, e-book or conference publication.

Reduce results list
Use the filter options for the results list on the right side of the display to limit the list to certain document types, time periods, author names, languages etc.

You do not need to log in to search the catalogues.

However, you do have to be logged in with your library user number and password to get access to the request and account management functions or to search the articles database.

The user number is printed on the back of your CampusCard if you are a student. Your password at the first log-in

University staff and external users from Passau and the surrounding region will find their library user number printed on the green library card. More information on the library card.

If there is a suitable title in the Union Catalogue of Bavaria & Berlin-Brandenburg results list, check the 'Get document' tab in the details view to find out whether a printed or electronic version is available locally at Passau University Library and whether it is available via interlibrary loan.  Please note that not all listed titles are available locally at the University of Passau. Media that are not available locally can be ordered via interlibrary loan. If you wish to make an interlibrary loan request, the title information will be automatically pre-entered into the order form.

In the 'Articles & more' tab you can find literature references from the extensively licensed articles database Primo Central Index. This database contains about 400 million records, articles from about 150,000 journals and e-books (mainly in English). Not included are articles published by Elsevier.

Not all journal articles/e-books listed in the results list under Articles & more are available physically or electronically at the University of Passau. Articles that are not available locally can be ordered as copies via interlibrary loan.

In the best case, you can access the full-text articles immediately: this is the case when you access a resource for which the UB has a licence and your device is registered in the university network or been authenticated via external access.

But as we all now, nothing is perfect: Unfortunately, in the 'Articles & more' results list, individual hits may erroneously show that the medium is neither available in the local collection nor via interlibrary loan. Tip: Do another query to search specifically for the journal volume or book containing the article you were looking for.

Do I still have to search in special databases?
Please note that the same applies here as to other article databases: you will only find a limited selection of articles. For a more extensive, subject-specific search, you can use databases tailored for this purpose, as they can be called up in the subject lists of the Database Information System (e.g. Business Source Premier, EconLit, WISO, Juris, Beck-Online and others).

The literature search page also lists additional databases that might be of help when searching for journal and newspaper articles: some of these are licensed for the university computer network, while others can be accessed freely.

Couldn't find what you need in the local holdings?

Remember, any literature you cannot find locally in Passau can be ordered via interlibrary loan.
More information on interlibrary loans: requesting, collecting, costs, help and advice

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