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7 September: Changes to mask requirement and library access ('3G rule')

| Reading time: 1 min.

[Translate to Englisch:] Geimpft-Genesen-Getestet

In line with the 14th Bavarian disease control ordinance (BayIfSMV), the mask-wearing obligation at all designated library desks and scan stations has been lifted in the buildings of the University Library as of 7 September. However, masks must still be worn in all other areas or even at a library desk or scan station in situations where you cannot maintain the 1.5-metre minimum distance from others. Medical/surgical masks are permitted.

In Passau, the 7-day incidence is currently above 35, so that only those who are vaccinated against or have recovered from covid-19 or those with a valid negative test result ('3G rule') may enter the library premises: '3G' in this context stands for the German words geimpft (vaccinated) – genesen (recovered) – getestet (tested negative). The following counts as 3G proof:

  • fully vaccinated (this status begins 14 days after you receive your second dose): we accept your yellow WHO vaccination booklet or your EU Digital COVID Certificate (as a pdf/printout or QR code, also stored in a suitable app) as proof.
  • certified completed recovery from a covid-19 infection confirmed by a PCR test. The covid-19 illness must have been confirmed at least 28 days ago but not more than six months ago (i.e. you do not count as recovered for the purposes of the 3G rule if you recovered more than half a year ago).
  • tested negative: you should provide a negative PCR test (not older than 48 hours) or a negative rapid antigen test (not older than 24 hours). These tests must be carried out and certified by a recognised testing centre; results from home test kits are not accepted, and there is no possibility to test yourself using a home test kit in the library under supervision.

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